Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mashing with iMovie and Haiku Deck

I love Haiku Deck and as I was designing our school video, I realized that Haiku Deck could provide something that iMovie couldn't.

As you watch the video, you will realize that I took the picture of the beginning of the video to use in the Haiku Deck.  Here are the steps of the Haiku Deck and iMovie Mashup

1.  I designed the Haiku Deck using the pictures on my iPad.
2.  I exported the Haiku Deck into Powerpoint on my MacBook Pro.
3.  I exported the Powerpoint out as pictures.
4.  I imported the pictures into iMovie on my MacBook Pro.
5.  After each picture, I dragged the video footage to match.

Here is what can be created when mashing two powerful applications.

Take One 

Take Two 

Take Three 

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