Showing posts with label professional development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label professional development. Show all posts

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Edcamping on the Weekend

Edcamps have become a wonderful phenomenon throughout the country. This past weekend I was fortunate enough to connect with educators with a passion for technology in Madison. I didn't even know about it until the night before and was more than willing to just show up and hope they welcomed me in. Upon arrival I was greeted with a smile and invited in to a day of collaborating, sharing, and learning. The positive buzz of educators engaged in learning and sharing is a real high for a techie like myself. I learned about more iPad integration ideas, Web 2.0 tools, Chrome applications, extensions, and the difference between, and finally about different practices in education. Did I say that this was free? Free professional development? Free lunch? Free prizes (like an iPad mini)? Don't miss the upcoming registration for EdCamp Milwaukee! This Friday, March 1st at 4pm the registration starts.